Monday, July 28, 2014

The Women in My Life

It's been a pretty exciting day in the Ayres house.  Many have already heard that Elisabeth got her Learner's Permit today.  I'm not sure how ready we are for her to be behind the wheel, but seeing her smile and hearing her voice made me fill up with pride.  A permit may not be the biggest accomplishment for most, but it is just one of many huge milestones that she has had in her short time with us.  She landed in the US on January 6, 2013 knowing very few words in English, and having no idea what life here would be like.  It was not all rosy in the beginning, but now Elisabeth has gained the legal right to drive a car, she has completed two semesters of ESL with all As, she has performed in her first dance recital, learned to swim, learned to ride a bike, volunteered in a Chinese orphanage, and most importantly accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior.  I am amazed at how God has changed her heart, and how He has blessed our family through her.  Who knows what the future holds for Elisabeth, but with her drive and her determination, I look forward to having a front row seat.  The front seat in the car, not so much!!

While reflecting on Elisabeth's accomplishments I couldn't help but think of the other women and young ladies that God has placed in my life.  I could consider myself overly blessed to only have one of them, but God saw fit to give me all five. I hope I never go a day without thanking God for each of them, and the ways they bring joy to me and many others. 

People ask me every day, "How does Lauren do it?"  My answer, "I don't know."  She maintains a household, homeschools our children, runs a home based business, counsels with families all over the country who have adopted teenagers or toddlers, to share in their joy or to encourage them in their difficulties, and puts up with me!  That is a full time job, and then some.  Before we had children, she influenced other's children through her kindergarten class.  Last night she was reminded of just how much influence she had.  She received a message on Facebook from someone who wasn't one of her "Facebook friends".  In the message was a picture from her first kindergarten class.  That message came from a Mom of a student in that class.  He is now 22 years old, and very accomplished in his field.  The next thing I know Lauren is on the phone with a student she taught 17 years ago, reliving kindergarten and catching up on all that has happened in his life since.  He credits Lauren with his love of learning, and thanked her for being such a huge influence in his life.  I might think this was strange if it didn't happen several times a year.  A lot has changed since Maggie was born, and Lauren left the classroom, but it amazes me to see that God still uses her to shape the hearts and minds that she taught so many years ago.  I have no doubt that my children have the best teacher they can possibly have.

Our second oldest daughter, Maggie is quite a special young lady too.  Maggie has been able to travel to China with us twice.  Spending time with the babies there has opened up Maggie's heart for vulnerable children.  She spent countless hours crocheting slippers so that the nannies in the orphanage would have comfortable feet while they work. She is currently learning Mandarin, IN HER SPARE TIME!!  She is currently half way through Rosetta Stone, and last summer she was able to carry on limited conversation with the staff of the orphanage in which we worked.  She has always been a stubborn, determined child, and her attitude wasn't always ideal as a baby and toddler.  Now it is serving her well in everything she does.  She hopes to live in China one day, and work with orphaned children.  As with Elisabeth, I can't wait to watch!

Rebecca is my nurturing child.  She is in the middle and fills that role perfectly.  She has travelled to China with us three times, and would hop on a plane again at a moment's notice! She is not so young that she can't participate in youth activities with her older sisters, but not too old that she can't play with Janie and the younger boys.  She realizes when Lauren and I are busy or stressed, and the next thing we know, she will come down the stairs holding the little boys, bathed and in PJs.  This summer she has made a weekly meal plan, prepared the grocery list, and helped prepare lunch for everyone.  Since I am gone all day, I know this is a great help to Lauren.  I must say that she will make a wonderful wife and mother some day.  I still enjoy her being my little girl, so I'm not ready to think about that any time soon.

What can I say about Janie?  Janie has also gotten to travel to China with us twice, and I never realized how much those trips would mean to her.  Not a day goes by, that she doesn't want to talk about parts of our trips.  One particular child has been the topic of her prayers since last summer.  QiQi. (Pronounced Chi Chi).  QiQi is a little boy with a major heart defect, who captured all of our hearts, but most of all Janie.  She prays for him multiple times a day, and writes about him in her journal often.  She wants him to be her brother more than anything in the world.  Recently she told me, "If QiQi can't be my brother, I'm just going to have to marry him!"  I pray that her young heart will stay that committed to loving others, particularly the "least of these." 

There are many other women who have had huge influences in my life, but I have to stop sometime or the three of you that are reading this will stop! Many people assumed that Lauren and I stopped having biological children because we finally had a boy.   While I am so thankful for Porter, DD, and John, if we had been blessed with nothing but girls, I would never consider my life or my family incomplete.   I can't help but be saddened by the families in China, who are limited to one child, and who feel that a boy is the only option.  So many of these fathers will never get to experience the joy of having wonderful, loving, Godly women in their lives.  I thank God everyday that I'm not missing out on that experience.   

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The road ahead

Seems like the first line in every blog that I write is the same.  It's been a while, but.... So I guess it's been a while.  We have been home with John, our seventh and youngest child since March.  Its been great, and busy, and fun, and hectic, and, oh well I guess you get the picture.  We have been to doctors to see if John needs anything done to his curvy, crooked back.  He has multiple problems, but doesn't need surgery at this time.  We took our first family vacation as a family of 7.  I'm not sure Destin will ever be the same, but we had a blast.  As a word of advice, if you see a big family getting out of their 12 passenger van headed to dinner, it is not okay to walk past, back up, and snap a pic with your phone.  Avoid the temptation!!!  We are just your average multiethnic family of nine in a big 12 passenger van.  Nothing to see here.  Overall everyone is content.  All of the kids get along well together, and absolutely love being in a big family.  That don't see life as strange, or weird, or different.  To them it is just life, and Lauren and I couldn't be more thankful.

So when I post a blog it seems like there is always some big announcement coming.  I will go ahead and say that we have been working on a few things, but no big announcement today.  We are often asked if we are finished adopting.  "Are you finished?"  "Is this the last one?" My answer.  I don't know.  We seek God's guidance in every decision, and if He sees fit to call us to adopt again we will follow that call.  Yes that would be 8 children, but God doesn't call us to something, and not equip us right?  Through our adoption process, however, God has definitely shown us the needs of the fatherless. He has also created in us a desire to do what we can to meet the needs that we can.  We have been praying for God to reveal how He wants to use our heart's desire, and He has been faithful to answer those prayers.

Through a series of very interesting circumstances that only God could have orchestrated, we have been made aware of a children's home in India that is in need of support.  India?  What?  God I only know about China.  Remember, 4 trips, 3 adoptions.  God has a way of working that way.  We spent a weekend recently with the family that runs the home, and learned of their most pressing needs.  They will soon be getting 7 new children, and among other things need new clothing for school, new sponsorshipes, and some new appliances to meet the daily needs of the kids.  The vision of the missionary family is amazing.  They feel that the children to whom they minister   are the next generation of missionaries to the villages of India.  They do so much more than meet the daily physical needs.  They also work to meet their spiritual needs. After much prayer, Lauren and I feel God leading us to form a new non-profit organization to begin supporting this home, and as things grow, find other children's homes to support.  The vision that God has given me is for this organization to be a means for individual churches and individual believers, to carry out God's desire for us to "look after orphans in their distress."

So what next?  We have some ideas, but we first are seeking God's plan so that He will be glorified in the work being done.  I ask that anyone reading this would join us in prayer.  If this is something you think you or your church would be interseted in, contact me.  I would love to discuss more of the details with you. I find that every time I discuss the work with someone, a new idea or an excellent word of advice is given.  "Iron sharpens iron," right?  The future is always exciting when seeking to do the work of our amazing Lord.