Friday, August 30, 2013

They have a name. (Watch out this is gonna get a little preachy)

"Are yall crazy?"  "Why?"  "Where are you gonna put him?"  "Are you gonna start driving a school bus?"  These are among the questions that my family has been asked since we announced that we were adopting another son from China.  Most of the time I try to respond with a smile or with a nice answer, but honestly that is becoming more difficult to do.  Sure, what we are doing is unlike most American households and their 2.5 children.  We hold no judgment against families who choose what many consider the "normal" path. Adoption isn't a calling for many.  We also aren't seeking recognition for our choices. We do, however, feel that we shouldn't be forced to explain ourselves or judged for doing what we feel led to do because of our faith in God.  The Lord set a path before us that may appear strange to many, but frankly I feel honored that He chose my family to minister to those in China and to bring 3 (at least) of these precious children home.

Not too long ago my focus was on following the American dream of obtaining more things, planning for the next vacation, building up my earthly castle, and pretty much looking out for myself and my wants.  I still struggle against this on a daily basis, but thankfully God has placed a desire in my heart for something more. One year ago Lauren, Maggie, Rebecca, and I travelled to China for the first time.  That trip changed our outlook forever.  Orphans were no longer the 147 million faceless children that were only a concept.  They were real.  They had a name.  They had needs.  Many of their needs were left unmet. In Radical David Platt writes, "We learned that orphans were easier to ignore before you know their names.  They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.  It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms.  But once you do everything changes."  This statement has been true for my family.  We are changed.  Our lives are different than they were 1 year ago.  I'm not boasting.  I'm thankful.  As Christians we are saved by the Grace of God.  In Ephesians, it is written that this in not of ourselves, it is a gift from God.  My new outlook is not from myself.  It also is a gift from God.  Instead of focusing my life on earthly things that won't stand the test of time,  I now focus on the eternal, and how I can participate in God's kingdom, for his glory.

Our God is known as a Father to the fatherless, and the 147 million fatherless need a family who will introduce them to the Father.  There are multiple places in the Bible that command us to take care of widows and orphans.  It would certainly be easier if my family did this by only sending money or running a benefit 5k.  These children and the ministries that care for them desperately need that money.  If that is where you feel led certainly give.  We feel led to give.  We also feel led to travel and use our God given gifts to serve.  We feel led to bring some of those children into our family.  Right now we have brought home two, and are planning to bring one more.  Will that be all?  I thought I was finished having children at 4, and now I have 7.  "No" and "never" are not words that I use anymore.

 Are we crazy?  Probably so.  Are we in the market for a school bus?  Not yet, but we will be driving a van pretty soon...a big one.  How are we going to put them through college?  I don't know, but I guess I will figure it out as I work for years, many years, to come. Why are we adopting again?  We feel drawn to a young man in Zhengzhou China that crossed our path over a year ago.  He has a name and a face, and we have held him in our arms. He changed us.  I don't think that was a coincidence.  I believe it was God ordained.  Again I don't want anyone to misunderstand.  I'm not bragging and I don't think I'm better than someone who does not feel led to adopt. Pray that you would find God's will for you and your family and embrace it.  He will be glorified.   If you feel led to go and hold those babies in your arms, I pray that you will take that opportunity and soak it up.  It is a gift from our Father.  A gift that will change you forever. 

By the way, this is our baby boy.  His name right now is Jian Xiang.  He will have an English name eventually.  We just don't know it yet.  We anticipate that we will travel some time in the spring.  Sooner would be great, but probably won't happen.  We would appreciate your prayers as we go through the process to bring our baby home. 


  1. Jason....I commend you and Lauren for what you are doing! I know that your family has grown by the Grace of God....His hand is everywhere in this. Lauren won't remember me, but I have known her since she was a small child. Her Dad, Roger and I, worked together. I saw her grow into a beautiful young woman, and I am so happy the two of you are living for The Lord! I am excited to hear that you are bringing home another child! I know, too, that Roger and Dottie and your own parents are loving all these GRAND children! God bless you both as you seek the Lord's will for your lives and your family!

  2. Joy Dollar worked at ECBOE and Attalla Schools

  3. How wonderful!! Congratulations!!!!

  4. I came across your blog through a friend of friend about the time you brought home Ming Yu and Davidson. We are about a month away from traveling to get our daughter from Guangdong province. God is changing our hearts and minds everyday and we don't use no and never anymore either. I keep referring to "next time". Once these children have a face and a name they are very hard to forget. Praying for you!!
