Sunday, December 16, 2012

Be Strong! Be Courageous!

I keep thinking, oh man...a HUGE adventure is ahead of us!!! Four cities, four hotels, away from my home and four children for three weeks, and on and on...YES! This is very overwhelming to me, but somehow I am peaceful and somehow my bags are packed.  This will be the trip of all trips, halfway around the world.  I am SO excited that God has prepared this trip for us to take, HIS journey to go pick up two new orphan children, God's children.  And, I keep being reminded by everyone around, "You mean you are getting two kids?" " A toddler AND a teenager?" Somehow, God has allowed me to find peace in HIM during all the last minute details of the trip and bringing home two new children.

Joshua 1:9 has become my motto over the last two months. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

So, that is where I will find my peace and my comfort.  I know the LORD is with me during my travels around the world; when we go from city to city in China not speaking their language; when we take in a teenager who doesn't know us or our language; when I take in a toddler who loves the Ayi who has always taken care of him and doesn't particularly care for me, his new mama; and the list could go on and on.  I do know that God never intended for our lives to be perfect or easy, but that we should rely solely on him.  Believe me, we will totally have to rely on Him during these last few hours preparing for our trip, while travelling, and especially when we get back home to Alabama. God IS faithful and through HIM I will choose to be courageous!

Thank you, friends for praying for us and just being interested in our lives and our children. Please continue to pray for safety and good health for all of us during our big journey. I am ready to hug these two precious children and guess what? I will in 3.5 days!!!  Seriously, not long now!

If you haven't already, please check out and see a new picture of our little Davidson.  He is eating a lollipop!


  1. Great post my friend! Love your peaceful contentment in the Lord. So happy for your family and what He is going to do in and through your obedience and willingness to do the "hard things" to make life better for these 2 children. Thankful for families like yours who are just not willing to say "no"! Christ was willing to do the hard to make life better, or possible, for us. Thanks for being Christ-like!

  2. Hi Lauren,

    It's Leigh Nall Stevens. Your mother was my teacher way back in the day! I am not sure if you still remember me or not! I wanted to send our love and well wishes! We brought home our "older" child from China in Feb 2011. Gotcha day was on the 13th and when we awoke on valentines day he was in our arms! Its such an awesome experience. You will be amazed at the power of God and love. I am here to help if you have any questions. Your family is in our prayers. This has been such a wonderful journey for us and I pray the same blessing for yours. We hope to head back within the year or so to bring home a sibling for our little Aiden bear! Here's our adoption story video!
