Monday, December 31, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes...

Last year at this time we were just getting home from New York where our girls danced the Nutcracker, my Auburn Tigers were playing in a bowl game, and 2012 looked like just another year. The closest thing to China that we were talking about was Chinatown. Oh what a difference a year makes.  Lauren always says that we have never had a calm, easy year of marriage. That statement definitely held true for 2012. In February of 2012 we felt God calling us to adopt.  Lauren has talked about adoption for years, but it never seemed like the right time. This February was different.  This year God used his Word and his call to care for orphans to change our family forever.  Although it has only been 10 months, through the roller coaster ride called international adoption, our family of 6 became a family of 8. I could not be more content. As I sit in a hotel room in Guangzhou it is hard not to be in awe of God's goodness and his glory. It is also impossible not to be thankful because God used a sinner like me to bring two orphans into a family where they will hear His word and hopefully one day accept His Son. Our God is so good!!  I pray that as we now begin the next step of adoption, getting back to life in America, that we will continue to rely on God to lead the process forward in his way and his timing. I have said many times that every time I try to do things my way, I just mess it up. I pray that I will give God complete control of my life and my family now and forever. He already has it. Unfortunately I keep trying to take it back.

Thank you to all who have prayed for us and supported us throughout this journey. I ask that you continue to pray for us because the journey is far from over. We have a teenage daughter who can't speak our language, and who isn't sure if she really likes us or not. We have a toddler son who has a history of kidney issues that may need treatment when we get home. We have 4 more kids at home who are ready to see the 4 of us. We really can't wait to see them. In 2013 we have to rely on God to bring us home safely and make our family whole again. I know my God can do just that. I can't wait for another exciting year!

How can my family pray for your family this year?


  1. As I have read this post & cried all the way through, I am so touched by your humbleness before God. I have prayed for you & Lauren every day since she first mentioned this to me what seems like forever ago! Every word that I read shows you going deeper and deeper with God. I know that I've said this before, but these two kids have no idea just how blessed they are to be members of your precious family. You are an awesome man of God who is obviously leading your family to follow Him. I feel that He has some very special plans in store for you & your precious wife & family! I can't wait to see what He does through you all! I love you all!

  2. I'm so thrilled to be living vicariously through your blog! :-) our church prayed for your family yesterday and our family continues to pray. We are praying for our family for direction on our home to sell, whether we should home school all or some of our kids & God to continue to provide so I can stay home with our children!
